Education & Master Teachers

The quest for the zest in the cosmic conundrum of our evolution towards some kind of harmonious mutual living space begins in our understanding of pedagogy. Because of many changes in the presentation of information, it is the opinion of the author that pedagogical constraints are only compounded by the existing delivery systems for education. Quantum relationships in humans form the process of our evolution rising to the level of collective Beingness.

Now, what does that really mean?

We will be reflecting on this process from the ideal place of a master teacher, one who empowers the students to use critical thinking skills to self-assess and grow into the new living awareness that integrates the data of discussion and experience, whether classroom activities or life in general, into a cohesive usable knowledge base.

In the face of pedagogical changes, and important question about change in general arises: What keeps us afraid, angry, ignorant, and immobile? Education has some relevancy in the discovery and exposing of answers. The balance of this paper will explore the process of pedagogy and potential advantages of a holistic educational shift.

In the most accepted delivery system developed by Madeline Hunter, an educator uses a defined set of instructional behaviors. This begins with the introduction of the ‘anticipatory set’ to the students. This includes the concepts and ideas that will be learned in this class, session or whatever.

In our case, it is the introduction of the concepts of God/Goddess in human form. The concept is a simple premise that seems to be the ‘goal’ of nearly all major religions. Of course our assumption is that sons and daughters of God do eventually grow up. We know that as with any learning process, there will be resistance and reluctance toward change.

In this type of education (drawing out of knowledge), the anticipatory set couldcircuitrystairs evoke very strong resistance due to the pre-patterning of most Western minds. This is human nature based on the belief systems at the root of the culture, which is unfortunately mainly fear, guilt, and shame ridden.

We view the world from our previous databank of experience and knowledge. How has this view served our society to make it exemplary of our belief systems? What needs to change to evolve the society to where we believe it needs to be in order to achieve a standard of healthy relationships?

This flows into the next piece of the process of education, recalling past learning. We all have it, yet it is obviously not all the same. So how do you draw out all this past knowledge to serve our current purpose? There is a databank deep within the depths of human consciousness and the psyche that can drawn out.

Examples of this are past life regressions on one hand and a more recent ‘new’ presentation such as John Edward’s bridging communication between worlds. In a classroom environment we process so that it is all on the table, so to speak, and each one has the opportunity to listen to, or observe, each other’s database.

In this way we all see where each other is, with no conditions as to the ‘rightness’ or ‘wrongness’ of the learning to date. It simply IS. This is similar to Dale Carnegie’s method of idea development. It could even be adopted for use within the realms of DeBono’s Six Hats as well.

So, we can delve into the depths of our past knowledge to seek the understanding of how things relate in a common language like Science, for example. The leaders in this educational process are saying that science does prove our ability to grasp the capacity of changing our reality through choice; simply choosing to change and doing so.

It is a gross understatement to say that this choice is not easy nor clear as we confront old worn out patterns that no longer serve the greater good. Now, the ‘essential question’ is asked. Our assumption is that a creator is one with their creation. In this case let us ask, “How does one become aware of their ONEness?”

There is an accepted ‘knowing’ that each one of the students has some understanding or experience of their own path to enlightenment. Sometimes we have to dig deep into the recesses of our memories to find instances. However, most people have had an experience of such serendipitous synchronicity and connectedness as to be undeniable in the critical reflection of assumptions.

So each shares the most pertinent piece of their journey in recognition of the awareness of their connectedness, however great or small. The mind usually wants to obsess over this for a while while the heart consciousness (said to be much the greater of the two) remains open to further confirmations. All of the information is shared without criticism, condemnation or judgment. It simply IS.

Opening the door to this kind of sharing of information would probably trigger some deeper reflections as well, facilitated by the instructor (master teacher) who is already prepared to usher them into their seat for this particular movie. A recently released movie creates a bridge for a layman to understand quantum physics, science and mysticism, explained through fact and nonfiction fantasy.

The mind is awakened to the presence of I AM within. Supposedly we knew this long ago and have forgotten the way home.

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