(The Vision: Genesis II – a collaborative vision for Earth’s future was previously on the web elsewhere circa 2000 on, a first attempt at articulating possibilities)
This Vision addresses growing planetary concerns for sustainable living. Our world is now faced with critical situations in life-friendly development as ‘globalization’ continues. Humanity is ripe for change. More people in strategic places are recognizing that big business needs to turn its attention on environmental and humanitarian endeavors as part of the new corporate culture.
Maintaining an environmentally and socially responsible business practice is imperative. We have witnessed the results of poor fiscal and natural resource management through the beginning of the 21st Century. We need a way to test new theories and management philosophies that are anthropic sustainable resource-driven, including the growing needs for personal and personnel development.
Life-friendly technologies include ecologic, ergonomic, and even etheric considerations that synergize into a harmonic convergence of human and planetary stewardship. Intelligence now encompasses behavioral, emotional, multiple, and spiritual elements which lead to new models of social environments that repair and restore relationships, engage youth in learning, and respond to the challenge of environmental sustainability.
Genesis II is a conceptual model based on considerations of anthropic complexology applied pragmatically in the present: a community specifically designed to integrate psychospiritual and scientific technologies for the purpose of developing healthy planetary stewardship programs. Consideration is also given to the UN Genesis II presentation regarding social and environmental development toward globalization. There is no copyright or ownership as this concept is self-revealing through simple contemplation of the facts and figures available today, skewed only by the desire to ascend into life-friendly paradigms.
We are one people and one planet, though our current behavior reflects immature selfishness even in our governments. Many youth are growing up quickly, looking for what makes sense beyond the profit-driven paradigm paralysis, and find little to entice their creativity or participation. Education in America is in need of a retrofit in order to meet the future demands of sustainability. ‘Unity in diversity’ was the buzz phrase some years ago… it is just as true today.
The following is simply just another voice saying the same thing… Harmony Among People and Planet. Harmony begins with addressing the needs of our children, building relationships that empower the natural desire to love and be loved displayed in a loving environment. Perhaps we can achieve it in our lifetime.
* signifying a new beginning
We invite you to consider the possibilities… perhaps a clarion call.
You will find various links throughout this page that expand and support the concepts presented here. If you know of more information that could be linked, please let us know as this is a work in process. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, Flow – The Psychology of Optimal Experience, writes that, “In fact, according to some views of evolution, complex life forms depend for their existence on a capacity to extract energy out of entropy—to recycle waste into structured order.” We seek to do just that, harvesting our past to achieve a new view of the future and implement a plan to get there, even if only in overview.
The fact remains that there is a growing concern regarding educational, environmental, and social development for a healthier planet. We have all the tools. We just need to arrange them in holistic environments placed strategically around the planet. These efforts are also contained in the Earth Charter.
The theory is that Genesis II Multiverse Communities will demonstrate behavioral, environmental, fiscal, and social responsibility that can be measured in scientific and social returns, justifying the financial and intellectual investments in their development. A proactive response to the question of sustainable living on planet earth deserves consideration, even with the enormous scope of planning and implementing effective planetary administration protocols and programs. We invite you to at least consider the possibilities…
For those with visual and auditory learning preferences- Here’s the Genesis II PowerPoint Presentation.
* Some of the links may not work – originally written just after the turn of the century.
From the of
practical mystics comes…
Imagine a fully integrated approach to inspiring and challenging our youth of today to help teach adults about a new tomorrow… aware of our problems and quickly focusing on creative solutions that empower environmental and social change. Now empowered adults can empower our youth through providing the necessary tools for their process.
The human race has entered a new era, an evolution in educational and social methodologies is at hand. The old formulas don’t work anymore as evidenced by many students now dull and listless in the classrooms from ‘helpful’ drugging.
Disenfranchised youth internalize their anger and act out in unprecedented violence toward themselves and others. Traditional education has not addressed the growing emotional and intellectual needs of our children; the connectedness of mind, body, and spirit to everything of a natural order.
We are unveiling the embryo of an integrated master plan that could solve our educational and behavioral difficulties… unifying youth with adults and building planetary respect as our global family expands. It is obvious that we need some major changes in our approach to nurturing our relationships for the benefit of all.
Genesis II Multiverse Communities… A new myth is in process of creation, one that inspires hope and transcendence for everyone, and we all can participate in its development right now, today. Even to take a moment and conceive, envision and be inspired is contributory aspect in the thoughtmosphere.
Doors to Perception…
Our youth of today look at the educational system that they are forced into and ask, “Why?” We, parents and grandparents, force them into boxes they never belonged in, often drugging them into submission so they can learn like ‘normal’ children. They look at these ignorant values and say, “That’s not for me!” They laugh at the political machinery behind it all and see how the planet is being destroyed and say, “Nothing is working.” They live with hopelessness in a love-starved world and feel, “What’s the use?” So begins the life of abuse in all its ugly forms.
No one seems to listen to these cries for help. Many of these children end up in correctional or treatment centers. Warehousing of ‘adjudicated’ youths within the social systems only continues to drive the mechanistic and reductionistic mentality of holistic ignorance. Children seek rites of passage, often void of guidance, without knowing what they are doing or why; causing social issues of near epidemic proportions in our burgeoning cities and an overload for our courts, educational and social service systems.
Do we see a problem? Can we find collective answers and implement solutions? Is it possible for a new type of community to develop that demonstrates a holistic environment?
Anyone who works with at-risk youth understands that much more could be done toward addressing their needs. In the U.S. alone, many are warehoused in group homes with little or no opportunity to develop the necessary life skills to survive and thrive in today’s world. Job markets are shifting faster than academic programs can keep up. Rather than create environments that nurture multiple and emotional intelligences, we drug our youth into submission and wonder why they choose to self-medicate and defy the ‘system’ that holds them captive.
Adaptive systems and ‘wrap-around’ models in social services still only address the problems and symptoms of this decay in moral servitude. Survivors have learned to lay low and keep quiet in regard to challenging the ‘system’ as the bureaucratic nature has created a paradigm paralysis. Some have risen to leadership roles in these organizational monstrosities, doing what they can to affect change.
Many are attending different colleges and even military universities in order to gain the skills they will need to bring about change in their own communities. Peer-community facilitators, as change agents, are few and far between in the development of alternative solutions to this growing problem. Developing a model community that demonstrates holistic integrated solutions seems to be in order. How do we do that?
Undue Duty
Just in case the gravity of the situation has not been made clear, the recent developments of war based on false information should bring some desire for greater accountability. The United States was led into a war based on what appears to be a corporate and/or personal agenda. Our society was numbed by 9-11 and manipulated into fear-based choices. In our world today families suffer from being ripped apart by a non-supportive society steeped in fearful responses to propaganda.
Worldwide the suffering is exacerbated as the complexity of relationship issues rises exponentially. The global village seems to develop from arrogance rather than appreciation. Globalization seems to be increasing these inequities as we become more concerned with terrorists than tenderness.
Educational systems, family environments, and welfare agencies no longer nurture the creative spark in our children; the love and care every child deserves and needs. Adults and children who have overcome the myriad of abusive scenarios are teaching others, both young and old, of the necessity to love and be loved. The UK Youth are a prime example of the change that is happening in our younger generation now.
The survivors as educators, parents, social workers, therapists, and visionaries are doing a fantastic job in nurturing those they can, sharing volumes of experience while harvesting their past and showing the rest of us the path to a new ordered world which shares accountability and responsibility toward our future generations and planetary stewardship.
One of the paradigm shifts necessary is to move away from pointing fingers at problems and recognize that we have at least three pointing back at us, offering us the opportunity to share solutions that bridge possibility with practicality. Results come in time, beyond the impatience of our consumerist society.
Current management philosophy within the realms of ‘best practices’ calls for open communication and a systems approach to doing business, whether it be product or service oriented makes no difference. This holistic practice empowers people to make choices and decisions for which they feel inclusion in the carrying out of the company’s mission.
We can apply this same philosophy to the development of new educational systems as well, expanding the learning environment from the classroom to the community, with holistic approaches to serving the youth and community. We often expect results from others without first teaching them the process necessary to achieve the results. We expect and even demand certain behaviors from our youth who’ve had no behavioral models or poor ones at best.
Specialization in professions seems to contribute to the inability for adaptive behavior in the inclusion of holistic systems. Essentially, one hand does not know what the other is doing. How can we find wholeness in society with such dissociative and incongruent practices? Now we need to collectively look at what we can do to provide the foundation for a new or adjusted system that inspires everyone to do and be better on a daily basis, nurturing the natural desire to become more than we are as human beings; inspiring love, care and concern rather than fear, guilt and shame.
Campaigning for Consciousness
According to progressive child behaviorists, the nature of children is to seek connection with other children and the worlds of experience within reality. When allowed to nurture their own creative natures children evolve with pride, self-confidence, honor and respect for each other and the world around them. A recent European Youth Conference’s ‘white paper’ illustrates these concepts.
Can you imagine, just for a moment, a place for children to build a future for themselves in an empowering environment that supports their natural connections? What do you think would happen? The desire to explore their connections to life, love and the world around them offers us a unique opportunity to take our planet and its people into a healthy new millennium.
Is it time we became the global family we know is necessary to continue life on planet Earth? Nobody says it will be easy. It can be fun, though. Holistic education is a growing attraction for educators that sincerely look forward to the development of this paradigm shift, creating collaborative alliances much the same as our various industries already have found works for the benefit of all.
Many authors across the gamut of progressive thinking including Bloom, Covey, Csikszentmihalyi, DeBono, Dyer, Gardner, Goleman, Hunter, Peters, Senge, and Tart are proposing that we look at the bigger picture of societal development. In many different voices they are all voicing the need for a collective reassessment of personal and professional goals and objectives as our civilization evolves. A systems approach to learning and living as ONE is recommended by even the most skeptical of futurists, requiring that we redesign and retool our economic and social systems to serve people better.
We can start by asking ourselves what we can do as individuals and groups to help support this change of attitude and agenda. It is difficult, at best, for a population to address accountability and responsibility toward future commitments when, as family units, there is an alarming failure rate. We point fingers at problems without realizing that our way of life is the essential problem, from which all perspectives are skewed to one degree or another. Maybe it is time we looked at basic community development and how we can increase our chances of survival as families, nuclear or extended.
Mutants of the Monster
The reality is that we have also created at least two generations of children who have become angry, complacent and selfish in their actions and thinking to the point of violence beyond anything in history. Marketing spin doctors continue to escalate the ‘consumerism’ that is doing much to pollute our air, earth, and water without regard for the health and well-being of the individual, including direct to consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals that due more to promote a nation of addicts than healthy communities.
This is a reflection of the state of our society, partnering with political correctness and profit-driven motives, turning our educational system into a promiscuous and permissive environment under threat of lawsuit for maintaining order or even mentioning God in the classroom. Why?
Not only in America have we seen such a transition of the value of education, ethics, and morals, where family units continue to break up at an alarming rate. This pattern is spreading to developing countries as well. Profit-driven media moguls have helped a great deal in this process with little regard for the social results. Parents, social workers and teachers are painfully aware of the gluttony of our youth today, especially in the West.
We set them up through our neglect of what we say is important… healthy relationships. They are often scarred to confront situations due to fear of retaliation or repercussions from administrators bound to dysfunctional systems. Unfortunately, the United States is influencing the rest of the world in the same fashion. Many ‘third world’ countries are suffering from the results of consumer advertising and marketing now. Will it end? How can we manage change more effectively?
Service providers, organized religion, and even corporations have become nothing more than dysfunctional families unable to communicate their needs and wants effectively, let alone meet them. We have created a system that not only enables this to continue; we feel helpless and hopeless in the face of what seems to be an unstoppable proliferation of adversity.
Rapid industrial development and accompanying social shifts were difficult to manage effectively on a large scale and many well-intentioned programs have failed. In a victimless mindset we must begin to ask ourselves how to change this trend; sharing the solutions and ways to implement them as quickly as possible with every institution engaging youth today. The youth themselves are begging us in so many blatantly obvious ways.
The phrase ‘can we all just learn to get along?’ echoes in the hearts and minds of humanity as we blaze forward in a technology-driven evolution of society now, even more demanding than the industrial revolution because of the increase in communication networks, computer-driven intelligent systems, and human ignorance of the relationship imbalance between man, machine, and environment. How can we use this technology effectively for the benefit of all instead of the desensitization of community values, morals, and ethical practices? There are some individual, corporate, and educational leaders who are making great strides already, yet there is no ‘model’ that brings everything together in one place that is publicly funded.
Help is on its way…
We need a demonstrable model of harmony in meaning and purpose, science and spirituality (connectedness); a place where the learning and living environment are one; a self-sufficient state-of -the-art village that utilizes modern technology, yet honors the indigenous cultural traditions that enhance life and living. A model providing a symbiotic and synergistic presence; a community designed to care for its children by empowering the adults who provide for them.
Motivation for education would come naturally, facilitated through programs designed to bring out the innate abilities and aptitudes of our youth and the adults responsible for them. We develop our realities from within the scope of conception, making the outer world reflect our inner knowing. Children are still vulnerable and open to explore life with the intensity many adults desire and have lost.
Can you remember a time when you felt anything was possible? Revisit that feeling for a moment. Why not empower our children to show us the future? Can we return to the innocence of a child and ask what can be done now?
Intense research and study have helped us to see a way out of this dilemma…Genesis II Multiverse Communities. Spectrum Academy is just one of the opportunities that addresses holistic education inclusion in developing new schools.
Removing children from harmful environments, such as the current juvenile justice system does, is only a temporary adjustment or Band-Aid to the problem, like taking a fish out of a dirty fish tank, wiping it off, and throwing it back in with expectations of survival, let alone success. It is the fish tank that needs to be cleaned. How do we do that? Is it possible to integrate residential treatment centers, charter schools, community technology centers, and peer community concepts to work synchronistically? Is it possible to create unity in the diversity we face? The answer is…. YES!
Can we adapt what we know about peer mediation and alternative dispute resolution to empower choice and decision models that inspires our youth to live responsibly and that empowers corporate change? It is a bit difficult to comprehend when we’ve taught folks not to challenge authority. ‘Father knows best’ is outdated and unproductive.
It seems our very survival, according to the honest analysts, depends on consumerism, cultural genocide, and environmental destruction for the sake of fossil fuels, fast foods, and corporate profits. Can we acknowledge that we are headed in an undesirable direction? Better yet, can we accept that we’ve done the best we could with limited information and resources in the past and now that we have better information and greater resources to affect positive change?
We do not need war. History’s scientific analysis shows that economies built on war are environmentally hazardous and certainly do not fit any life-friendly criteria, in spite of the arguments to the contrary. Chaos is only the beginning of the process of establishing natural order. Conflict, used wisely, evolves into harmony. People can make different choices.
The Vision Realized
Genesis II
Multiverse Communities Abstract
(hyperlinks offer documentation and/or supportive info)
Imagine an edutainment village; an environmentally friendly terrasphere designed to engage the common sense of everyone within it. ‘Common sense’ is defined as what is intrinsic to our human nature, the connectedness of people across cultures, that nurtures our relationship to each other and the world. Common sense seems to be so rare these days. Imagine if life was like Disneyland.
Education is the foundation of living responsibly in a world full of choices. The first of its kind, always amusing, an exploration and feast for the imagination that excites our neural networks. What is the ONE thing that people want the most? Once the basic physical needs are met, people long for FUN! They want toys. They want playmates. They want to be amused. They want to experience joy. That is why entertainment villages are so successful. People also crave challenge and purpose in their daily lives to anchor their efforts.
Further, they will have time to pursue spiritual growth which will become a daily living meditation rather than a longing for heaven and the afterlife. Like Nietzsche’s proposal: “Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks–those who write new values on new tablets.”
Corporations will partner with the village to develop future products, services, and life-friendly technology. They will train the youth, who will apprentice adults on tasks for retrofitting the economy and division of labor restructuring necessary for the 21st Century. Participants will generate an economy from the village as well, directly participating in the development of economic and relationship networks. Once a pilot village is operational, other communities across the globe will develop with considerations for local components; agricultural, environmental, and social.
Obviously, there is a need for an integrated approach toward the 21st century and beyond. Systems-thinking has been introduced into the corporate world at last. Leaders are empowering ‘learning organizations‘ in an effort to meet the tremendous demands for change across the gamut of industry. As vast as these needs for integration may seem, they revolve around basic human and environmental considerations.
For several decades now there has been talk of the global community yet, to date there has been no scale example; no working model of sustainable technologies that respect people and planet. Recognizing there are some efforts being made on the physical plane, we’ve globalized into cyberspace through the World Wide Web yet the physical example of infrastructure, physical plant facilities and working integrated programs has not yet been accomplished.
Education and entertainment need to merge for the dynamics of the 21st century generations to unfold… a new edutainment field that engages all the senses. 21st Century media for a 21st Century audience would greatly benefit the process of change and growth we sorely need.
It is time for us to create physical examples of what we hold so dear in our hearts: Unity – harmony of people and planet, demonstrated by the development of communities that put all our modern discoveries to work. The village truly can raise the child, and vice versa. These communities incorporate a full-spectrum approach toward integrating ecological, psycho-spiritual and scientific technologies.
The pressing need to rally concerned persons is being felt throughout humankind, especially in the past few years and even more recently. The numbers of people who share this feeling is growing exponentially as the Cultural Creatives forge into the future with open minds and hearts, desiring to do what is best for all. Its amazing that when we truly focus on these things, life does become FUN!
A new wave of edutainment integrated into the living and working environment is on its way. Community technology centers provide a way for people to begin to share technology in open environments where learning of young and old alike can facilitate greater community cohesion.
When the People Lead, the Leaders Will Follow
The model to be discussed here, known as Genesis II, is a self-sustaining community integrating ecological, educational, organizational, psychospiritual, scientific and technological concepts and designs that promote a naturally evolving interdependent environment, one that synergizes rather than separates humans. This is a place where harmony of purposeful passion is the foundation and connecting fiber, a symbiotic expression of co-creators and their creation.
The proposed physical structure of nine concentric circles, consistent with ancient numerological foundations, incorporates intervals based on the golden mean, a mathematical constant found throughout quantum sciences and natural order within the genetic structure of man and nature. The design team has the final say, as they will have the facts and figures from discovery and research of sacred geometry for structural design. This includes architectural as well as geomagnetic design elements.
The proposed location for the first facility is in the desert Southwest United States around Phoenix, Arizona. It seems only fitting to honor the rising from the ashes of human chaos and destruction in this place, holding the vision of a new living awareness of humanitarian and life-friendly features. The structures are partially subterranean and covered with earth so the exterior remains close to the natural environments, ideal for the desert or practically any location. It is also possible to use these designs for relocating towns and villages that have been devastated by man or nature. If there is any silver lining in destruction, it is the chance to begin anew.
Even though it may be a stretch to perceive at present, the incorporation of extraterrestrial intelligence and scientific technology will also be an important factor. It is obvious this technology is available as even our governments can no longer manipulate cover ups, although ‘real’ data is still a bit nebulous
The technology is just not being used effectively for serving humanity’s current needs. We have a right to its use as an integral part of our future edutainment, eco-system regeneration, alternative energy development, and sustainable living systems.
In fact, it has been said that when humanity rallies together to serve one another, then open contact will begin to help us restore the damage we’ve done. Regardless of the involvement of ‘friendly ETs’ we still have the pressing need to work together as ONE. Sharing in the process demonstrates caring for our fellow planetary citizens.
Remember most have been programmed to first be extremely skeptical of anything new, and especially of change. As with any new invention… it soon becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread. The alternative MIC view might be to create a common enemy with global implications so that our attention can be manipulated to serve other purposes. Do we really want that?
Light and Sound Create Form from the Formless…
The purpose of the development of Genesis II is to bring together pioneering personnel from proactive projects throughout commerce, education, and industry to mastermind a fully functional model community with a state-of-the-art holistic school at its core. This model is designed, planned, and prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century with collaboration, cooperation, skill and precision exampling our best efforts.
These areas include: administration/management, agua/agriculture, alternative energy, architecture, broadcasting, communications, computer science, creative arts, cultural studies, ecosystems, engineering, information resources, holistic medicine, multi-media, parapsychology, civil planning, scientific technology, staffing, telecommunications and waste reduction. Every mandatory mechanism and system necessary for sustainable community development, embracing technology as it develops, will be present in Genesis II.
Designed to produce in excess of its requirements, Genesis II feeds back into the surrounding community, nurturing positive change for all. Our efforts demonstrate the knowledge and expertise available globally now. Until we can demonstrate our willingness to act in collaboration for collective benefit our success as a global society will be limited at best. It is evident to the entire world that we have visitors just waiting to assist. What are they waiting for?
They are waiting for humanity to take action on its own first. We have to make the first steps to become a unified world community, sharing resources responsibly, respecting all our relations, becoming a global family. Anything short of this will not achieve the end of the destruction of our planet or her people through the purposeful consumption of her resources and the destruction of her natural order. This too shall pass. Our general philosophy is empowered through the development of an Center for Future Consciousness which provides the framework for discovery and research.
Genesis II Facility Description
The facility is based on an ever-evolving set of blueprints that integrate the latest concepts and designs for the most ergonomically supportive, technologically advanced and ecologically sound environment. This model, a self-sustaining living and working environment, would be constructed anywhere in the world through minor design changes, adapting to local terrain and climatic conditions. To enjoy the spin on the myth, Phoenix, Arizona seems to be the most logical place to begin. Architects and design technicians welcome a creative challenge in the development of plans for these community facilities.
Imagine what could be accomplished with the Army Corp of Engineers and military personnel reassigned to peacetime duties. Genesis II will also be able to give back to the community where it is located through the production of energy, reduction and processing of waste materials, and production and distribution of new products and technologies that emerge from the cooperative efforts of the participants and staff. People and ideas need only opportunity and support to be successful in developing new business activities. Micro economies are growing astronomically, magnified through the world wide web. Cottage businesses are a necessary part of community-based opportunity.
The following only briefly describes the areas of development for the project. It is intended only as a trigger to expand the scope of vision of the reader. Undoubtedly some areas may be missing, although most components can be traced back to these areas. As our knowledge of bio-technology, geophysical sciences (including geomagnetism), and psychospiritual technology expands, the application of these toward a holistic environment – a true ‘systems’ approach to community building is restored. In reality it is not so much a division of church and state that is a problem at this time; it is business and community that must find balance through sustainable environmental and social development. We do not seek a revolution, only an evolution.
Facility Housing and Staff
Healthy living and working spaces will provide an atmosphere conducive to excellence in every effort of the unification toward goals and objectives of the Genesis II project. Beginning with the critical areas of housing and staff management there exists a tremendous opportunity to explore the dynamics of human interaction and develop collaborative tools for problem-solving. This area of the facility provides initial living quarters for support staff, program administration and management. An environment that is primarily focused on the concept of an educational village has some very unique requirements for housing.
Many of the staff will be involved in on-going discussions and work groups that bridge old and new paradigms in a living and working environment. These groups will need areas conducive for relaxed conversation and yet have available technology to support data requirements. Individual living spaces will also include connectivity packages that allow smooth flow of information exchange for schedules of meetings, coordination of conferences, as well as training and development programs and personal communications.
One idea for the plan includes the initial use of apprenticeships and mentoring programs for at-risk youth to facilitate construction of the permanent structures for their living space. Synergizing school and work would make more sense, which expands education and habilitation to include hands-on training as they actually build their future homes. In turn, they become peer mentors for others as the project grows, demonstrating the socialization skills necessary for success in any avenue of professional careers.
Creating ownership of their environment empowers young minds to do and be good as well as become effective and productive citizens. Youth who understand the value of an education and developing skills sets become role models for their peers. Diverse circumstances place these young ones in the category of ‘at-risk’ when most often, establishing healthy boundaries and communication skills seems to evolve from team work and semi-structured living environments. Playing a part in the creation of this environment builds character and skills many adults wish they had learned much earlier in life.
Anything is Possible…
Discoveries in ergonomic environmental development will be incorporated in these areas. The central site area contains staff and participant housing, cafeteria/restaurant, community garden, recreational areas, conference rooms, small lecture/concert hall, staff training areas and student housing. Designs will be used to integrate architecture, ecology and ergonomics to provide an oxygen-rich environment, promoting maximum health. These are design team concerns regarding the human requirements for aesthetic, comfort and functional value within an organizational framework.
The change management process is continual for progressive and successful companies and can be applied to functional living environments that are truly learning organizations. Access to others and to up-to-the-minute information on a wide variety of subjects is necessary for the best practices of management philosophy to be in operation. Rehabilitation of undesirable behavior patterns is also a key issue in our society today, even though Webster’s contains no mention of ‘habilitation.’
This kind of environment can facilitate behavioral modifications through programs involving wards of the court, group home populations, and low security risk inmates as a start. This is a perfect example of moving toward a safer society, one that restores our humanitarian nature. After all, nearly every aberrant behavior can be traced to a lack of love, meeting basic needs of reciprocal care and concern for each other.
There will be plenty of ‘jobs’ within the facility to offer paths to successful rehabilitation and rejuvenation of productive life management, whereas our current social and penal systems do not really offer such remedies. Recidivism is high. Many within this population have few opportunities due to economic and social conditions within their former communities.
Championing their own cause in order to ascend to greater levels of appropriate functionality in society; these individuals can offer real-world advice that can dramatically impact our future growth. Youth are especially vulnerable to outside influences and often take the ‘easy’ road to survival. Genesis II communities can turn that survival consciousness into successful lifestyles that give back to the community at large.
Human Resources
Human resources are the most important aspect in the design and implementation of any project. The dynamics of human relationships encompass pure needs, such as food, clothing and housing, to the more emotional needs of personal empowerment to do the tasks at hand on a daily basis. Ultimately within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we desire self-actualization. Traditionally, organizations have lost focus when large groups of individuals are involved largely due to poor planning and implementation of human resource planning models. Partnerships are created with specific goals as a focus, often overlooking the basic human diversity involved.
Diversity of belief, culture and the process of team building are used to inform and integrate the vast experience of the individuals into a cohesive collaborative unit that now shares the same vision. Current management philosophy indicates that shared vision and open communication promote a productive environment. According to one of the current management gurus, Peter Senge, systems-thinking, shared vision, personal mastery, mental models, and team learning are the foundation of successful organizations.
Traditionally, human resource departments are responsible for the induction and training of workers, dissemination of company communications, and health (including medical, dental, and psychological) plans for the employees. In Genesis II, these concerns will be expanded to include self-awareness, interpersonal skills and group dynamic training.
All aspects of human concerns will be addressed in the spirit of ‘wholeness’ for the function of the village. This holistic approach would also include exploration of socio-political influences and the need for a structure of authority, whether vertical, horizontal or a combination of both, within the administrational structure of the facility.
The management information system provides technical support for all departments and maintains consistent information flow as required by site-based and satellite programs. Environmental systems, physical plant infrastructure and communication equipment would be aesthetically located utilizing advanced technology for such systems.
The initial team of design and production engineers for this area use an integrated systems approach for the development of the facility, insuring the best possible features in current and future ergonomic technology. It is hoped that this will give the best possible atmosphere to facilitate the human dynamics of this effort toward a truly magnificent gift for humankind. Of course it will be the people who will actually make the difference. Not matter the process or product, it is the people who deliver the result.
Multicultural Studies
Cultural value systems, religious systems, social interaction modalities, legend and myth survival are among the foci of this sector. Dreams, poetry, visions, art, and music contain volumes of cultural information that we are able to review now with the capacity that technology has made possible. Multi-media presentations can offer viewers the opportunity to explore their core beliefs and the beliefs of others through the emotional expressions they create.
Emotional triggers often lead to conflict and war. Here they will be used to study and resolve age-old conflicts, providing a new foundation of acceptance and tolerance within the global community as a result of the Genesis II model. The depths and richness of all cultures are explored through traditional activities incorporated into the living environment of Genesis II. Educational thematic units, designed for period-specific environments developed with ‘theme-park’ atmospheres engage learners completely, surrounding them with the sights, sounds, smells and methodologies of the day.
It has often been said that by understanding our past we may create a better future and not repeat our mistakes. We have been building our civilization on a limited understanding of our past. Scholars in recent years have uncovered and revealed much information that had been suppressed. Information exchange and dissemination through normal educational channels is difficult at best. Textbooks are outdated almost before they are published now.
Intelligent human beings, with this new information, can discover a synergy that allows greater harmony in heretofore-conflicting areas. Harmony does not mean an absence of conflict. Quite the contrary, wisdom calls for the use of conflict to promote greater actions toward unity in diversity. A better understanding and deepening of international relations is the result, thus enabling cooperative actions in global care-taking, sharing of technology and greater openness toward universe affairs.
It appears there is a growing need now for consideration of other worlds, too. Balanced choice also demands the elimination of false belief systems and superstitions that have promoted conflict and confusion in the past.
The world’s population moves to the beat of the messages they receive. Media moguls have controlled the airwaves for too long. Masters in communication methodologies and effective communicators can move people to action in creating the type of world the people truly want to experience, not one they have been led to believe is real. The current belief system of the Cultural Creatives of tomorrow includes developing a new language that can bring harmony to an otherwise dissonant population. Science was once viewed as a common language.
Humanity is now experiencing resurgence in spiritual progressiveness with the inclusion of politics and religion, rather than the exclusion, that is creating a logical positivism of sorts. The conscience movement is toward a more practical type of civilization that demonstrates a sense of collaboration and cooperation for the benefit of all.
Communication specialists design programs that are used in the development of business practices as well as throughout the educational environment. The anticipated results would provide effective leadership programs to enhance the local facility and, in turn, the global socio-political environment; establishing a new standard of excellence. This focus of unity invokes a respect for people and planet in a way that removes the barriers of fear and ignorance. We often are resistant to change when we do not fully comprehend the nature of that change.
Communication in the big picture provides the mechanism for integrating diverse populations. There are currently very few skilled in this process, which makes the demands for their time extreme. In this new environment integrity of word and deed becomes a primary factor in developing the readiness to evolve into a new consciousness even in the most conservative of environments.
Youth have been used to witnessing that words and actions often diverge. Congruency in word and deed simply means that a greater trust factor evolves as new relationships are fostered by the activity of these communities. This trust enables a greater openness and honesty in communication, transcending former barriers and creating a willingness to evolve.
Educational Center
This area is used to implement the developing pedagogy, the art and science of teaching, to determine true educational validity in today’s environment. New educational programs, based on internal/external learning processes, will empower youth to maintain a balance of ecological, psycho-spiritual, scientific, and environmental harmony.
This key area where multidimensional awareness and consciousness must be applied, integrates the inner and outer experiences of the participants, enabling valid shareable thoughts and experiences. Technology is a critical feature in this area, especially with developing computer simulations, resource materials, tutorials, and economic development access for everyone.
Sharing our discoveries will keep educational development funding sources quite pleased as their markets grow. Here the work of Gardner, Hunter, Steiner, Montessori, and others will be synergized and transformed into an integrated system that brings academic excellence to a whole new level. Educators will be able to actualize their passion and purpose without the constraints of archaic educational administrative structures that are more concerned with political correctness than serving the needs of the students. Exampling the process of chaos becoming order demonstrates to the students that ignorance does transcend to knowledge and eventual wisdom in the application of their learning.
Diverse learning ability and cognitive skills are a primary focus of this type of environment and will be incorporated in the design and infrastructure of the facility. Many pieces of these educational processes have been developed individually in alternative or private schools to date. Now it is time to bring these necessary tools together to facilitate a resurgence of true scientific inquiry, engaging mind, body, and spirit in the process.
It is obvious that our previous educational environments have been successful, yet with the discoveries regarding learning and interaction with the world around us, the current systems are far behind in the delivery and implementation of recent discoveries. This area is addressed with the care and concern of progressive parenting and leading edge learning environments such as a ‘time capsule’ model for thematic units, including period clothing and living facilities.
Imagine living in the time period you are studying, doing all the necessary tasks of the day, learning the context of the discoveries as they are made. Educational immersion occurs… and advanced learning is the result.
Alternative Energy R&D
In this sector resides the creation and exploration of alternative fuels and energy sources, which are environmentally supportive. Alternative fuels are causing much debate on the economic scene as our reluctance to destroy our planet grows in the mass consciousness of concerned planetary citizenry. We seek ways to make our lives easier, not tie them down further to dependence on pay-per-use networks or profit-driven motives.
Suppressed technology is beginning to permeate our world, making it important to use this technology wisely in the production of our energy supplies. Energy production methods in harmony with the earth’s natural state are quite available and prudent for our future survival on planet earth.
We can no longer bury our collective head in the sand, especially in the United States, as we develop new energy resources. Five percent of the world’s population using 48 percent of its resources is just unacceptable now. No matter what the consumers of these resources may think. Some of the pioneers in this field have either not been able to work together or been reluctant to step forward because of past experiences with reluctance and retaliation toward development of these resources.
There is an opportunity to change our historical patterns of greed and war of any kind. Now we can prosper with prototype processes and products that are developed and made viable for the global marketplace. Corporations merely need to re-tool, which is a short-term expense to benefit long-term profitability, in order to serve its customer base, which includes stakeholder interests. We move past short-term gains to restore long-term progress. As responsible citizenry it is our duty and responsibility to share our discoveries and keep them at minimal costs, if any, to our planetary brothers and sisters. Profit does not have to be problematic or ignorant of planetary preciousness of the present opportunity.
This area provides socio-economic links to the corporate world through the product or process licensing, manufacturing, and distribution. Economies of scale are introduced as the needs expand, offering training and development programs for those interested. Apprenticeships and internships are mainstays in the business world already. Using existing socio-economic structure is one of the precepts for initiating change within the existing global systems regarding commerce without creating economic fears and resistance from the system components, satisfying the needs for P&L statements, and demonstrating a win/win relationship, which fosters a better future for all.
Holistic Medicine
This sector’s staff conducts research, develops and implements education of complimentary health care methodologies, incorporating current psycho-spiritual, allopathic and naturopathic modalities into health and wellness programs. Our current medical systems are good, yet there exists far too much inequity in the percentage of service to the general population. We need ways of helping everyone to maintain a level of health and wellness without concern of payment for services.
Currently, many ‘new’ and ‘old’ systems of health care are at odds within various governmental agencies that seek to regulate care giving. The current patterns and process of care giving need some radical adjustments to serve the people as they were designed.
The staff will facilitate a harmonious environment where these systems can begin to provide synergy in delivery to the masses. Monitoring progress and chronicling results will demonstrate the statistical congruence of success, which may call for pharmaceutical companies, the medical associations, and service delivery organizations to rethink their care giving methodologies.
Every human being on the planet deserves the access to health and wellness programs. Results would provide information for more effective health care and integrated wellness management at a personal and planetary level. Many practitioners and researchers who have perfected methodologies far beyond the current state of affairs in health care are able to work together, bringing these new technologies to public awareness and offering training for those in the existing health care environment.
Demonstrable results in the application of discoveries, devices, and techniques will be the irrefutable proof necessary to satisfy even the most critical minds. The integrated approach in delivery to the population of Genesis II can be used as a model for health care and wellness programs in the general population. These services are part of the greater service toward an evolving civilization that meets the basic needs of its population.
Breakthroughs in understanding how our bodies and minds work will give rise to the need for more viable and nutritionally sound foods to support them. The inclusion of the spiritual function of our lives will also begin to advance the study and understanding of how our holistic body systems are designed for maximum health and stability.
The old food groups and production habits of our food suppliers are causing many unnatural states within the collective population of the planet. Our food sources are being found to cause massive problems within our biochemical homeostasis. We need to re-examine the process of nutrition and food production.
Within Genesis II, natural foods providing the highest nutritional values are researched and developed for their most cost effective environments and distribution methods. In the development of a responsible society, the requirements for food are basic. We know, through scientific rendering, that substantial area exists to produce the enough food for the world’s population requirements. Some of this territory is under- or unused at this time.
We have professionals who now are trained to develop areas with the highest yielding and most environmentally sensitive methodologies. Quality is not sacrificed by quantity, which enables food sources for large population bases to be produced and/or grown locally. These discoveries can also be implemented in the international food production and delivery environment, reducing production and delivery costs specifically. We all recognize that there is a bio-spiritual evolutionary leap in process around the globe. It appears this ‘movement‘ is toward a self-sustaining global society.
The technology developed here will help to serve the areas of the world where shortages have existed in the past and do so currently. At present we can do nothing about the conditions of these areas without proper analysis, understanding, and development of reclamation projects. Our team at Genesis II will offer pioneering efforts into these areas, attracting ‘archologists,’ who are combining architecture with ecology, from around the world, to help design growing spaces in new construction areas of large cities.
This will help to re-establish the human-plant relationships important to harmonious living. Our bodies will need the support of nutritionally integrated foods. Feeding the world’s population base will bring us to a higher level in Maslow’s hierarchy, enabling a Type One civilization to come closer to reality in our lifetimes.
Mathematics, Science & Technology
Research, development and proper use of new technologies and materials for immediate and future planetary needs facilitate the Genesis II vision of fulfillment for local and global technological requirements. This is one of the largest requirements we face as a collective society. We need to address many priorities simultaneously. There is a prerequisite in planetary ecosystem regeneration as we have recognized the need to work in harmony with the environment.
Science appears to be the universal language that brings practical understanding and application of the intricate relationships between man and nature. Educational programs that offer a comprehensive understanding of ‘natural’ sciences include human potential as well as technological applications. The understanding of systems-thinking is critical in this sector as all things truly are connected.
The discoveries in the use of ‘sacred geometry’ reveal the need to consider natural cycles within our basic human and environmental processes. Mathematics for both physical and non-physical associations become comprehensive in the exploration of relationships within time, space and matter. Recent discoveries in quantum physics and quantum mechanics point to yet a more complex web of connective tissue within our universe.
Scholars in ancient technologies, lost until now, also appear to agree there is a profound relationship between these natural cycles, our bio-spiritual evolution and the development of future technologies that empower a civilization to flourish. Understanding the subtle movements and structure in Nature will lead us to better live in harmony with our world.
Participating pioneers in Genesis II will have the opportunity to demonstrate how this basic understanding can be integrated into the development of new, and the enhancement of already existing, technologies that support life-enhancing manufacturing and distribution channels. Never before have we had the technological advantages of our current society, yet those advantages are largely ineffectual in areas of poverty currently impacting the humanitarian efforts toward service for our global population.
In time, the discoveries and developments of this area of focus would facilitate numerous employment opportunities as we shift and restructure existing programs already addressing humanitarian needs, calling for more localized participation. Localized participation means personal involvement, a prerequisite to change.
What evolves is a natural process of the revival of inspiration where science and religions actually combine to unlock the universal codes within all of us, bringing us closer to our ‘family’ roots. We can speak the same language without the superstitious overtones of times passed. When we are honest enough to admit it it’s pretty obvious that our universe is conscious as we now know that even thoughts can influence the outcome of scientific experiments.
Our technological breakthroughs are only limited by our imagination. As we play with our imagination we find that FLOW is where there is no ego without wego; the many serve the ONE and the one serves the many. To put it another way, it’s time to ‘turn our swords into plowshares’ to use a great phrase.
Multi-Media Center
Our multi-sensory learning capacities are being pushed to the limits within the new educational models. Processes developed for various presentation formats to enhance communication and learning provides 21st Century media for a 21st Century audience. We have learned that humans are especially resistant to change when their understanding of the reasons and methodologies is limited or non-existent.
Fear fuels resistance. Developing effective delivery devices for the dissemination of information has been a critical area in advertising for the majority of the last century. Spin-doctors have used these ‘arts’ for both benevolent and malevolent factions. It is time that we examined the real messages that we intend to give and how the delivery of those messages can affect a local, national, and international environment.
Let LOVE return to our planet now. It is so simple and we make it so complex. LOVE is an action word which can and will incorporate all motivational factors in beneficial ways toward resolving conflicts and facilitating harmony among people and planet.
Facilitating information dissemination, environmental ambiance, and total immersion experiences for an intellectually developing global village is becoming a primary focus. Many of the facility’s programs will need special productions for a variety of purposes. We must consider the young, as they have already begun to be indoctrinated into an environment nearly void of emotion through video games and movies that desensitize undesirable or abhorrent behavior.
In addition, many of these same young ones are far more technologically adaptive and literate than many, if not most, adults. There is a growing need for adults to re-examine their views of our youth, acknowledging that the youth have higher intelligence and skill levels than previous generations. This affects the educational process and the entrance and success into adult environments now. Edutainment, educational and training presentations, using skillfully developed and produced pieces, will be used throughout Genesis II activities and abroad in a multitude of applications, making the re-examination and re-education an enjoyable experience.
Incorporated within this area are production facilities, viewing facilities, and areas designed for full-immersion educational experiences on a wide variety of topics and venues. The use of state-of-the-art materials and being instructed by industry leaders again brings the synergy of diversity as we develop community programs that promote harmony among people and planet.
It appears there is a growing need for a common voice that speaks to all regarding creating a better world, sensitive to the needs of the people, rather than the desires of those who prefer dominance. These programs and presentations will be adjustable to fit any social or cultural requirements, effectively weaving a new myth among our world.
This new myth portrays the innate desire of humans to act as a family, in Oneness, and to live in harmony. This is not a utopian perspective as harmony comes from the successful resolution of conflicts that naturally arise in the process of life on our planet. Chaos naturally moving toward order is what fuels evolution.
Creative/Fine Arts Center
Art reflects life and life reflects art. Civilizations are known for their art-inspired development and their development from inspired art. Stimulating expression and the creation of positive examples of harmony shifts mass consciousness through artistic representations of life. Instruction in and creation of various art forms will lead to significant changes in critical mass consciousness.
We are well aware of the impact that art has had on humanity. During critical periods of transition, art has been a key factor in the expression of the birth pangs and elation of discovery. Within these many forms and styles are key elements of understanding that hinge on the translation of dreams, visions, impulses and perceptions that come through the human psyche.
These attributes incorporate many aspects of the Genesis II village, designed to facilitate a broad-spectrum of experience and provide opportunities to focus on their intricacies. Art is an expression of these intricacies and allows us to discover more of the connection between inner and outer worlds. Our youth need the benefit of our experience and wisdom so that they may exercise their creative genius and further enjoy their own connectedness to life.
These discoveries will be used in ergonomic planning from individual living space to public parks and corporate buildings. Much has been learned from the connections between art, science, and life. This area will further that understanding, bringing a new dimension to the study and use of art.
It is undeniable that artists from a plethora of periods have benefited our lives. In an evolving society such as ours now, it is responsible and prudent that we include such a necessary feature of the expression of emotion. Through this we are able to create an atmosphere of internal fortitude, unrecognizable at a glance, yet so important in the development of a new living awareness as expressed through our creative natures.
As we move toward a Type 1 civilization, it is the Cultural Creatives that are leading the way, expressing their art through design and implementation of ‘system fixes’ for the ‘starving artists.’ An integrated society has no fears of citizenry survival .
Theater/Concert Hall
Presentation of cultural programs, concerts, plays, and interactive experiences offer our youth socially acceptable avenues of creative expression. This area will undoubtedly have the most profound direct affects on the participants, both audiences and the creative units involved in the productions. The behind-the-scenes environment also teaches teamwork and leadership.
The educational programs are expanded beyond the old techniques of classroom learning. Most adults realize that once they are out of school, the book knowledge did not teach them how to interact effectively in order to facilitate conception, development, implementation and fruition of their projects. Not everyone desires to be producers yet, for those who do there will be ample opportunity.
Regardless of the occupation chosen interpersonal skills are a primary factor in any successful endeavor. Multimedia communication through these programs cover all the learning styles known and can incorporate new discoveries rapidly.
Public relations with the surrounding community are enhanced by the cultural exchange. Productions can also be an economic link for performers and producers alike, demonstrating their ability to inspire individuals and audiences. Inspired citizens can affect change in attitudes of nations and worlds. These things are done subtly now through commercial applications of radio, movies, television and now computers.
Natural production processes will be refined and scaled versions of major shows can be fine tuned for desired results. Those results could include traveling shows of a wide variety, edutaining students across the gamut of age and ability. Students of all ages will find immense joy at either end of the spectrum here, be it producing or viewing.
The facility itself will be designed with state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems. It will have the comfort of the audience as a focus in the architectural development as well. Both indoor and outdoor sites are incorporated into the development plan. These plans will also be replicable as a stand-alone feature for use in creating future sites within other areas. What was once only a place for the aristocrats and wealthy becomes available for all through community supported outreach programs designed to identify needs, provide services, and promote events.
Radio/TV Studio and Broadcast Center
This is the communication link to instructional, educational, entertainment and edutainment networks. Production of programming that supports movement of consciousness in the global change toward an integrated planetary society is the focus. Complete production facilities enable on-site real-time delivery to distance learning environments, including classrooms, web-based, and/or home instruction. Constructive uses for broadcast mediums are of prime concern, exemplifying the “positive programming” desired by even the most liberal in our society now.
Students will have the opportunity to participate at whatever levels of expertise they are able to master. Programs are designed to instruct the learners on basic theory, development of equipment, production artistry and taking a project from conception to completion of an air-able product. Internships and mentorship programs will also be included in the curriculum. The creative natures of those acclimated toward this vocation are capable of unity in the diversity of life, demonstrating through their natural ability the consecration of their devotion toward harmony of people and planet.
Once again, pioneering professionals are the core of this effort. We continue to move toward a functional global society that addresses the needs and provides for its citizens. We will no doubt uncover, or discover, new wavelengths in other areas of space that allow our methods of communication to evolve as well. It is said that there are many more levels of energy that are available for transception (transmitting and reception) through devices we only can imagine presently. Experimentation with such devices will be included into the long-term plans of this area.
Genesis II Multiverse Communities addresses the needs of our world in a conscientious and well-designed plan, focusing on our youth, entails attracting brilliance, capacity, persistence and vision. Through the synchronistic integration of state-of-the-art technologies woven skillfully together by leading edge pioneers in all essential fields, an ever-evolving program will model a harmonious convergence on behalf of our future – our Earth and her children. The flexibly-planned systems would provide an arena where youth from all backgrounds could be nurtured to achieve excellence in ways we have only dreamed possible until now.
Interpolating adult themes into more compassionate actions are also a result. Conflict and fear are transformed, over time, into harmony and love. This process can be shared at micro and macro levels of living. Prisoners from low-risk facilities could even be incorporated into the rehabilitation and re-training programs in site construction and maintenance, transitioning them into productive and responsible life on the outside. Our current correctional facilities are overloaded with ‘victimless’ offenders. Instead of paying for their support why not put them to work?
These activities will provide the foundation for developing technologies and their timely application to insure conscientious use of planetary resources toward a better world. It is no longer a question of what type of world we want to leave our children. It is a question of how we can work with them to co-create their future and ours. The infrastructure of talent and skill that participants bring to Genesis II will truly be an example worthy of sharing with the world as this project develops.
In fact, Genesis II Multiverse Communities are expressly designed for the purpose of sharing all proven discoveries with the world as quickly as possible. Everyone will win as it attracts those who truly care about the future of our world and its people. The entire planet will benefit from the efforts of this wonderful team of dedicated people. Making it happen might just be up to you.
We would love to work with other individuals or groups of like mind. Please contact us…