A New World Order – New Thinking Allowed

I had a dream come true this last weekend, a conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. How it came about was as synchronistic as it could be and the added bonus of actually being interviewed by him for New Thinking Allowed (three episodes) was certainly icing on the cake. I’m so grateful for the opportunity.

Most of you I’m sure are aware that my life is ‘themed’ with the idea of harmony among people and planet – a true ‘new world order.’ Well, we explored that very topic…

Would love your comments and sharing with friends and networks. Jeffrey thought this is a timely conversation. Thanks in advance for your likes, shares and comments.

It was really a pleasure, full of excitement and trepidation. To feel vulnerable enough to share this kind of stuff, and to be invited by the premiere host of our time, is a most humbling experience. I neglected to explore ‘facilitate’ to make it clear I do not feel like I am ‘The One’ which is often a mistaken perspective people take.

A New World Order isn’t about dominance and submission in any traditional sense, nothing to fear in other words. What is of primary importance is that each individual discovery their true form, fit and function in this world; a true new world order naturally emerges from that process. It is not without chaos or conflict. In fact, the transformation of it is how the new order emerges.

Those areas of chaos and conflict hold the key and asking the right questions, beginning with “Why?” and followed by “How?” lead us to discoveries beyond our imagination in most cases. I wrote a piece about the event that resides on MothershipCafe.com if you are interested in my considerations.

Jeffrey did a follow-up supportive video about a gentleman we both admire, Donald Fraser Keys. Jeff knew him well. I have modeled PlanetaryCitizens.net based on his initial work, along with a mentor of mine, Khigh Alex Dheigh. He was involved with the promotion of world citizenship. Khigh is featured in a video there reading a world citizen credo. It’s worthy of attention. Some of you might recognize him from the Manchurian Candidate or Wo Fat on Hawaii Five-0.

Whether or not our perception of ‘scheduled events’ is a coping strategy for high strangeness or indeed an attempt to become more visible, it is obvious there is a massive infrastructure of communication networks buried in our consciousness. Some tap into it for greater or lesser periods. Its nature of being ‘out of time’ as a non-linear and even non-local series of events give us cause to explore the phenomena further, but how?

Perhaps the idea of discovering our true form, fit and function leads us in the right direction. We already know the universe has impeccable math contained within it. Why wouldn’t we as well? I think I might have a way to at least begin to discern the process, if one is asking the questions, of course.

Oftentimes one would notice an increase in what I like to call ‘tangential’ thinking; darting about the mind’s field of available information and having fleeting thoughts that lead to others in a seemingly disjointed fashion. These same events in consciousness also happen in conversations where the subject matter seems to change on a dime and tracking the points might be challenging to observers as well as the participants at times. The latter promotes deep friendships from my experience.

Recognizing this processing system, a pattern of thinking if you will, often contains the hints to accessing one’s form, fit and function. If we are observant enough, patterns of opportunity to engage the present present themselves in a variety of ways. Being aware of the tangential, we look for congruent or repetitive aspects that show up in our lives in practical and pragmatic ways; a prudent path or multiple sequential ones are often revealed. Simply, what shows up in front of us that we can see needs to be done is often the direction our discovery takes.

As patterns connect and evolve we begin to see how our specific skill set, or at least a gut feeling we recognize, leads to noticing specific and synchronistic events unfolding around us. What do we do then? This is where our choices affect the flow. In the event of ascertaining ‘flow,’ we get a sense of ‘yes’ without the slightest hesitation. All others are suspect and may need further analysis.

The nature of universal flow includes the multidimensional mathematical models of Neppe & Close, Hawkings and others, it would seem. The manifestation of events congruent with such laws of the universe produce a sense of harmony or even bliss in the individual experience, sometimes even group experiences. Humans haven’t been in touch with that in their climb to dominance in the world. Stewardship has been lacking.

The need for stewardship is the essence of the ‘message’ from those ‘with’ the Galactic Federation as well. The mathematical models turn into experiential events internally, sometimes even externally, as recognition of certain patterns that produce serendipitous moments. Speculative as it may be, we have the opportunity to explore it as an aspect of consciousness manifesting in form, fit and function on scales currently incomprehensible.

The Old Word Order, a paradigm of command and control, even though it has been masqueraded as a New World Order, cannot compare to the scope and sequence of what is to come. Planetary or World Citizens by nature, still defined by so many names and titles in the world now, can sense a change coming and feel the need to support it. Many just aren’t sure how, yet.

Perhaps this natural evolution is what frightened the ruling families who’ve managed the mayhem throughout history by instilling a fear of a unified world through whatever means available. They think it means they will lose power, and maybe how they’ve viewed their power and its influence will cease. What emerges will be far more powerful in the sharing of resources, environmentally-friendly industrial processes, alternative energy distribution, even reassignment of military functionality as guaranteed supply chains and support systems for the shift.

These notions are worth consideration and perhaps they will find favor in reading. I hope so.

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