Harmony from Chaos

Is harmony from chaos and complexity possible? Chaos and complexity are getting a lot of eyeballs these days across academia, industry and science. Breakthroughs in science and technology are helping us understand the nature of the material world. Still, I get the sense we tend to make things way more complex than is necessary. It is our nature to create complexity in systems, to the point where they are incapable of speaking to each other, kind of like humans in crisis.

Consciousness, our evolution toward understanding how we work and what it means to be condensed into form, often leads us to want to give credit to some ‘outside’ influence, materialistic as it may be. This is becoming science now, though we haven’t even begun to incorporate its benefits. It’s become painfully clear we’re missing something when it comes to our leadership and direction, though it isn’t completely awry. The ‘self’ has gone from individual to global with the urgency we face for survival and sustainability.

Negotiating Chaos

It is my experience that learning how to negotiate toward harmony from chaos and complexity is our personal journey toward self-awareness that invites participation from other intelligences, of which we don’t have much real data to identify them properly yet. They certainly influence us, though I see little ‘control’ in their activity. We make the choices as to what to incorporate or integrate into our daily discipline. Rarely are these kinds of checks and balances openly discussed, let alone a mindful discussion in the legislature. It is an orator’s platform still.

The paradox of a life of high strangeness and inquiry into the nature of reality is a two-edged sword, both blessing and curse. There is no illusion, imho, only our experience – how we interpret it and find resonance with others. We like to get along and avoid conflict like the plague. Each experience is at least slightly different, yet based on the choices made of what to consider, ponder and perturbate as we test our hypothesis in opportunistically-timed moments. Those moments are pure bliss when things work.

The idea that giving attention to synchronicities, meaningful coincidences, imbues our lives with greater self-awareness is mirrored in the notion presented in quantum physics by Neppe and Close in that consciousness, space and time are tethered across dimensions. I see it as the gradual understanding of soft (intelligence) and hard (natural structures) systems embedded in reality. It seems rather silly to deny experience, though the span of experience certainly offers a plethora of possibilities for interpreting reality.

How We Are Thinking Needs to Change

As I read through the article a recent article on physics and the nature of our reality, the last paragraph before the ‘continue reading’ particularly caught my attention. It indicated that saccades (a rapid movement of the eye between fixation points) cause us to miss some of the data stream coming into our ocular senses. I don’t know why, but for most of my life I’ve been aware that I gaze a lot and blink very little. If we are going to act as a third-party neutral we have to develop congruent ways of viewing the needs of our citizens and environment.

It made me wonder about the practice of gazing as an opportunity to widen the ocular data stream, so to speak. It seems to have certainly opened my eyes and awareness of synchronicities to the point one might consider extreme. Perhaps more experience a similar reality than we may realize. Expanding self-awareness isn’t something that comes up in casual conversation, though I’ve been accused of making it so. Our attention does seem to have been distracted by too many shiny objects in our recent past; making us remiss in creating a sustainable future. Now it is imperative as we meet the challenges of global warming, not to mention pollution.

As Einstein is quoted as saying, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” We’ve go to think differently. Perhaps there is something to bridging philosophies, religions and science to help mold a brighter future for our future generations instead. Critical conversations are imminent. We have to have them. We cannot take sides because there is only one side, humanity and Earth. We can no longer think in terms of diversity or segregation as both focus on differences. Whether we like it or not, we are one people and one planet now. We need to lead by example, finding ways to make the harmony withing the chaos and complexity appear simple and practical.

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