
Building community provides the framework and essential questions for developing communities that integrate social, scientific, technological and educational systems. The evolving new world order requires our discernment and careful development of our future society.

Building Community

Including inspired youth as advisors and facilitators

Tentative Agenda

6-Day Conference

Mission    Purpose    Goal     Objective    Rationale

Building Community Frequently Asked Questions

Day 1

Essential Question: How do we work together to co-create sustainable communities and achieve a harmonic convergence of skill sets within the population?

Morning: Welcome and Explanation of Intent and Anticipated Outcomes of the Conference – Overview of what to expect for the week.

Keynote Speaker #1 – Our Vision of the Future

Afternoon: Brief Intros of Each Area of Focus and Facilitators – Interactive session with team development exercises for effective solutions.

Evening: Dinner and Mixer, Keynote Speaker #2 – Realizing Dreams

Day 2

Essential Question: How must we address obvious enigmatic considerations for future planning of sustainable communities?

Morning: Interactive Workshop: Infrastructure of Community- What are the elements and considerations of new paradigm planning?

Afternoon: Interactive Workshop: Facilitating for the Future – Developing specific plans using the morning’s discoveries.

Evening: Dinner and Mixer, Keynote Speaker #3 – Intricacies of Infrastructure

Day 3

Essential Question: How do we integrate paradigm-shifting discoveries in human and technological development when designing sustainable communities?

Morning: Interactive Workshop: Synergizing Technologies – Using cutting edge understanding of form, fit and function in development planning.

Afternoon: Interactive Workshop: Applied Development Plans – Inclusion of the sciences of archology*, ergonomics, mathematics and physics.

Evening: Dinner and Mixer, Keynote Speaker #4 – Affects of Design on Consciousness

Day 4

Essential Question: How do we facilitate the myriad of programs and processes into a cohesive and collaborative environment?

Morning: Interactive Workshop: Synergizing Methodologies – Best practices in management of people, time, resources and structure.

Afternoon: Interactive Workshop: Applied Development Plans – Human Resources and the Dynamics of ‘Jobarchy.’**

Evening: Dinner and Mixer, Keynote Speaker #5 – Bridging Worlds

Day 5

Essential Question: How do we simultaneously restructure and retool for the collective needs of the future planetary society?

Morning: Interactive Workshop: Synergizing Understanding – Addressing the multiple layers of involvement with existing systems.

Afternoon: Interactive Workshop: Applied Inclusion Plans – Creating a plan that addresses everyone’s needs, existing and perceived.

Evening: Dinner and Mixer, Keynote Speaker #6 – The Future Galactic Society

Day 6

Essential Question: How can we apply the discoveries and developments of this conference toward implementation of constructing a demonstrable model community?

Morning: Interactive Recap of the Week

Afternoon: Keynote Speaker #7 – Where do we go from here? Action plans for the future and committing to a plan.

Evening: Music, Dance and Party…ing words.

* Paulo Soleri coined this term for the integration of architecture and ecology.

** Jobarchy – the job is the boss and everyone participates in multiple levels of responsibility.

Questions and answers sessions will be included in each session with a synopsis provided at the end of the conference and posted to the world-wide web as an on-going process. Our plans are to have virtual web-conferencing before the conference so pertinent issues can be offered for consideration as well during the workshops. We will also host a live web-cast from the conference, hopefully accessing many classrooms across the globe.It is possible that there will be other locations involved in this conference, however the main interactivity will be in Phoenix, Arizona, USA for the duration of the conference.

It is also planned to continue focus groups to develop and implement the design and construction of our first working model by 2013ish. The magazine, Mission: Earth Dance, will chronicle local and global developments and discoveries in renewable resources and sustainable communities, both self-sustaining and interdependent varieties.There is also the potential for another type of village that serves those who find themselves challenged by the existing models of community. Spectrum Academy presents and opportunity for serving the challenged youth and families who are victims of our own neglect.

Areas of Focus

Housing – Includes design, construction, ergonomics, utilities, maintenance and waste management.

Human Resources – Includes induction and training of staff, health plans, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

Multicultural Concerns – Includes current cultural value systems, indigenous history, religious practices, and social integration.

Communications – Includes methodologies and best practices for effective delivery and feedback systems.

Education – Includes current pedagogy issues, educational systems and developing youth and adult needs.

Alternative Energy – Includes use of current trends in renewable environmentally sensitive resources.

Holistic Medicine – Includes the integration of psycho-spiritual, allopathic and naturopathic modalities.

Agri- Agua- and Permaculture – Includes addressing the food production needs for the 21st century’s global population.

Applied Sciences – Includes recent scientific discoveries that are affecting the way our society is developing.

Technology – Includes low-tech and high-tech products and services, developing technologies and future needs.

Multi-Media – Includes best practices in effective use for information dissemination, environmental ambiance and total immersion experiences.

Creative Arts – Includes developing individual living space, public areas and bringing new dimensions to the study and use of art.

Auditorium/Concert Hall – Includes environmental, ergonomic and technological requirements for audiences.

Broadcasting – Includes instructional, educational, entertainment and edutainment networks.

2 Responses

  1. Oh, bringing sweet memories back of Planetary Citizens. – It was in May 1980 when I met Donald Keys in London during the ‘Mind Body Spirit Festival’. It so happened that we had time to talk a few things over. I shared with him that I noticed two interesting groups presenting themselves with a booth. One was a ‘Humanity Week’, and one a worldwide Celebration Day (forgot that one). I told him that I see a combination of the two, where local events would be organized on certain issues (for every weekday another focus) to find, share and work collectively on the newest developments. This would then culminate in a planetary event at one place, where the best results would be shared and publicized. If there was more time given, the last one could build up from local to regional to national and to continental events.
    – See here, end of 1980 at the ‘Stony Point Conference’, a similar scenario was initiated, mainly by groups around Findhorn and their networks. We built up (I moved meanwhile to Amsterdam) locally and had a national Event in the Kosmos in April 1983 and a continental one in May. I missed then the worldwide PI day in Toronto. – Fast forward to 2018. Barbara Marx Hubbard has initiated a group I take part with called ‘Homo Universalis – Awakening the New Species’. As she is the originator of the 12 around 1 model that is presented here at this website too, I can see an unexpected match with the Planetary Initiative of 35 years ago. And your initiative. I will keep you posted.

  2. I did not see a contact link to the Planetary Citizens website so I am using this reply form. I would be glad to be kept informed of activities. I was a member of the original Planetary Citizens Advisory Council when it was created in the early 1970s. Don Keys and I at the time both represented the World Federalist Movement at the UN, he in New York and I in Geneva. I had known Don from the mid-1950s when he was with World Good Will in New York and I was a student at Princeton Univ. I am now President of the Association of World Citizens which has consultative status with the UN. We work in much the same spirit. Of website is: With best wishes, Rene Wadlow

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