“Remember when you were young?” brings certain thoughts to mind, though maturation isn’t one of them. My mind connects music usually, especially with some life events. ‘You shone like the sun… Shine on you crazy diamond,’ comes to mind with that question. Immaturity and fearlessness was certainly present. If music is the language of the soul, perhaps that is a reminder and Pink Floyd just happened to be the vehicle. Music carries feeling for many and in the consideration that reality is all vibration, perhaps feeling our way though it is most appropriate.

Maturation – Early Onset and Recognition

When we’re young, during our teens and twenties, immaturity is usually not a consideration. If fact, we often think we know more than our elders, right? At that point in our lives we don’t realize that the maturation process ahead of us is led by experience and time; neither of which we had then. It’s frustrating when that kind of behavior inhibits the ability to ask questions and listen. It’s more about telling. There are exceptions, though they are rare.

In our late 20s stage of maturation we develop careers and families, or most of us do, and figure out whether we can really get along with our partner or not. Right now, according to statistics, it’s a coin toss. That ought to be disturbing, though it’s actually declined over the last couple of decades. If we cannot get along at home, how can we expect to get along in the world? The reciprocal applies; if we cannot get along in the world, how can we expect to get along at home. It’s the same personality in both places, right?

Those that are a bit more serious will look for help in some way. Our deepest desire is to love and to be loved. What makes that happen? We certainly cannot force it. As we continue developing in our 30s, that question leads to answers of faith, love and trust. Our integrity, or lack of it, helps or hinders the faith, love and trust to evolve in a relationship. We tend to trust without reason when we’re younger. Our faith is tested when we realize our choices might not have been the best. There’s no fault in that; we’re maturing and making mistakes is part of the learning.

By our forties we’re locked in careers, or at least we were, and our children are approaching graduation and perhaps going off to college. At least they are preparing to leave the nest and fend for themselves. This brings up another test for many. What’s next? Because our attention and effort toward raising children, as single or dual-income households, absorbed attention and time, we’re now feeling a sense of emptiness and maybe a lack of fulfillment. That’s how it was up until this last year.

Now there is a new set of circumstances as we come out of masked sequestration and immaturity surfaces. Those previous maturation process are now in question because we’re all having to face the same challenges in socialization and working relationships. What kind of unspoken and unfulfilled expectations will we have of others who feel differently than we do about moving forward. This is what Klaus Schwab meant, I believe, in his question regarding recovery. Will we be able to be caring and compassionate toward one another? Can we avoid splitting apart because of a narrative that is questionable, yet has millions in line? What about the other millions?

Age of Wisdom?

In my early 30s I hosted a television show called One World. Our aim was to interview people from all walks of society and find out some basic stuff, that revealed sense made common. We asked about inner and outer promptings that caused choices and grew maturation. We asked about fears and how they overcame them. We asked about how they saw those same patterns in the world around them; in their communities, cities, nations and the global community. It was an amazing opportunity for me, having an insatiable curiosity about life, others and how we learn to work together.

Willy Whitefeather [RIP] was my one of my first guests. He was a mixed-blood Cherokee with a penchant for storytelling. I’d met him through another friend, Merel Bregante. Merel was working with another friend, Shayla, in creating a stage presentation for a kind of ecstatic dance. They performed it at the Mesa Amphitheater later that year. Willy was living in a teepee at the Goldfield Ghost Town at the time, accompanied by a rattlesnake that joined him in the tent at night occasionally. It was really strange, though he was fine with it and didn’t feel threatened, knowing it was just seeking warmth. Few of us could handle that, I’m sure.

I had some other involvement with First Nations through the Phoenix Indian School Preservation Coalition that had formed to address the design of the coming of what would be called the Steele Indian School Park. One of my other guests invited me to be their scribe and co-present their desires to the Mayor and City Council of Phoenix. 18 of 21 Tribes were represented and I had several years of wonderful, though sometimes heart-wrenching, experiences with them. I later spent time on the Hopi reservation when my oldest daughter set me up with her Hopi friend’s mother, a daughter of a past tribal president.

Willy and I lost touch as we both went different directions and the temporary relationship built from the interest in the show waned. He still made a big impact on my life and a couple of decades later I felt the need to reach out to him for some reason. I looked up his book, Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids, online and found a website. I reached out to the webmaster, not really knowing who it was, to see if somehow they had contact info for Willy. It turned out to be Merel’s wife and a week or so later I get a phone call… ‘Osiyo, Brother!’ was Willy’s voice on the other end.

Now I was in my mid-forties then and after some catching up, Willy paused and said, ‘There’s something you need to know now. In our tradition you cannot form or join your own council until you are 51.’ That struck me solidly. We’d been talking about world events and the changes in humanity necessary for our continued survival. He had referenced many prophecies on the show about how these times were going to roll out. Women cutting their hair, putting on war paint and going to battle with men was one of them. I knew even then that women truly held the strength of sustainability and that the feminine energy is what has been missing in the Patriarchal-driven world. I paid a lot of attention to the next few years.

Waxing and Waning – The Tipping Point

I have to admit I’ve been pushing boundaries and exploring beyond this world for most of my life, often in immaturity. No matter, I think part of the wisdom that turning 51 brought was the fact that none of that matters if we don’t have practical ways of applying our wisdom, let alone our knowledge. I’ve been involved with consciousness studies for several decades, curious of the questions necessary to reveal the prudent path, the practical and pragmatic applications that make a difference in the world.

When we understand ourselves intimately, going beyond the questions of maturation to the experience of the answers and letting that sink in, we naturally learn better ways of living, working and making the world better. Be Here Now provided some early recognition of the path ahead, though it gave no specific directions. It just acknowledged the journey would be wild and wonder-ful.

I met Jose Arguelles in 1997, whom I’d hoped to encounter after first reading his interpretation of the Mayan Calendar’s End/Beginning of Time; which just meant a new cycle, not a destruction. Much like the ‘apocalypse,’ an uncovering or unveiling of great knowledge and information was taking place. He explained that, according to his understanding, we were accelerating in developing awareness like no other time on Earth that parallel the information curve. Evidence was plentiful with all the books, CDs, movies and TV shows that explored many concepts and worlds.

So what happens on the other side of the Tipping Point, which was supposed to be the Winter Solstice of 2012? The answer is pretty simple and yet we all seem to be missing it: Implementing the awareness of our connectedness back into the existing systems we’ve built. Admittedly, they aren’t the best at serving the needs of humanity as there are still wars over resources and territory, still homelessness and poverty. On a universal picture, that’s just not acceptable.

My work focuses on turning that awareness, the insight and intuition that others garner as they question the Great Reset and what they can do, into actionable plans. The magnitude of those plans isn’t the issue. They might even be so small that others might think them inconsequential, yet they make all the difference in the world to the fulfillment of the individual. That’s where the caring and compassion comes in. It doesn’t matter the station in life or the activity of achieving goals and objectives, as long as one recognizes its value to the whole as well as the individual. New models of behavior begin to replace old ones and the systems change over time.

Will maturation ever be complete? Doubtful… we’ve got several types of Civilizations to advance toward according to Kardashev.

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